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Re: Front Brakes Query...

> Glenn Merrell wrote:-
> Subject: Re: Front Brakes Query...
> Date: 06 March 1999 20:40
> Greetings All,
> 	I must say that I am quite dismayed and surprised at this obvious
> verbal attack being made on this digest from a supposed Stag Owners Club
> Mr. Mike Allen, the SOC Technical Co-ordinator, purveyed by Mr. John
> 	I for one would like to see an public apology made on this list for such
> forthright and direct attack to both the person whom the attack was
leveled, and
> to the list participants, or I'll tender my request for a refund of my
SOC club
> dues.  This type of banter is totally uncalled for on this list, and
> concerning such a trivial matter.

Well as the purveyor Glenn refers to may I make the following comments:-

Mike Allen does not currently have Internet access, so having shown him
Wattam's e-mail I agreed to submit his reply.  However, I said I would make
clear they were his words, not mine.

I will show him all the replies it generated at our Kent area SOC meeting 
tomorrow (Monday) and will submit any further comments he wishes to make.

I do admit, however, that I should have explained the rules and etiquette
this list to him prior to submitting his original comments, and for that
I apologise.  There are historical reasons he feels as strongly as he does
about Mike Wattam but I will not go into them here.

My only comment on the technical issue is to say I'm rather surprised Glenn
thinks the correct fitting of brake pads is "a trivial matter."

John Clayton

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