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RE: Gearshift Lever interchangability?

The top parts of the overdrive switch are the same across all these
Triumphs; Stag, 2000, 2.5, Spitfire, GT6, Dolomite, (I have no
experience of TR's).
The following parts are all the same;
The Chrome ring
	The Black base
	The internal locking ring
	The electric switch
	There are three different types of cap depending on where
reverse is located.
	(the caps are interchangable and good for confusing thief's)	

You could use the original TR gearstick and drill it for the wiring and
then cut a thread for the rings. The Stag 2000/2.5 and Sprint gearsticks
are basically the same (top and bottom) I don't know if they have
different angles/lengths for the position of the gear-knob.

Richard  Brake

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Angus Holliday [SMTP:trstag@domain.elided]
	Sent:	26 March 1999 01:28
	To:	stag@domain.elided
	Subject:	Re: Gearshift Lever interchangability?

	At 07:30 PM 3/25/99 EST, you wrote:
	>In a message dated 3/24/99 8:13:31 PM Central Standard Time,
	>thefryes@domain.elided writes:
	><< Hi gang,
	> A buddy of mine has a nice TR3, and is about to install an
	> gearbox. He came to look at my Stag and really fell in love
with the idea
	> of putting a Stag gearshift lever with the overdrive switch on
the knob on
	> his TR3 gearbox.
	> Anyone have a clue if the Stag gearshift lever will work on a
TR gearbox?
	> If so, anyone have an extra gearshift lever to sell? >>
	>Don't know about the Stag gearshift fitting a TR3 box, but the
GT6 and Spifire
	>have a similar shifter with the switch on the top - they may
	No they wouldn't..but I'm 99.7% sure the Stag one will.

	Stag Specialists
	>Frank M

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