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Re: oilcooler install

At 10:07 AM 25/08/98 +0200, you wrote:
>You only forgot all fuel injected TR6, they suffer from that due to hot
running fuel pumps !
>But never had this in my Stag.

I must admit that "I Know Nuffing" about TR6's and their fuel injection.
All I know is that the TR6 guys in our club have built systems that
incorporate copper piping  wrapped around the body of the pump through
which the cool fuel from the tank passes before going through the pump.
This apparently helps keep the pump cool.

But I must admit that the electric pumps as used on the Stags and also on
the 1958-60 Morris Major's can run hot and if they do, they stop.

If the points get dirty and the gap becomes too wide, and they start to run
too often the body gets hot, the problem becomes more acute because the
shaft that runs through the body gets hot and expands, and eventually they

A wet cloth helps to cool.

Generally they are a bit of a pain to set up but once going great stuff.
As I have said before the stag manuals do not tell you this but if the unit
has been dismantled it is essential to pre-stretch the diaphram before
replacing the base, otherwise the points will not toggle properly and so it
gets hot and problems occur.

keep staggering

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