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Re: [ihc] About those parking brakes .....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>
To: "Ryan Moore" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Jim or Ginger Aos" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 14:25
Subject: Re: [ihc] About those parking brakes .....

> On Sep 28, 2004, at 5:37 AM, Ryan Moore wrote:
> > However, if the "nick" stories are true... how can you tell it's a
> > nick if
> > the whole arm is gone?  Of course, from the way he was talking, they
> > didn't
> > have much of a problem with simply wounding someone with one of those
> > jacketed hollow tips... but then again, they were Rangers too.
> >
> > -Ryan
> I don't know of anyone from the Vietnam conflict who is worthy of
> having an opinion, that doesn't think that the AK 47 and Kalishnikov
> (?) rifles weren't much better combat weapons than our M 16. Colonel
> Hackworth in "About Face" tells of having his platoon dig one out of
> the mud where it had lain for a year or more and after checking the
> barrel fired a full magazine with no misfires.

Kalashnikov isn't it?  Did you hear that they are introducing their own
brand of whiskey now?

I didn't say that he said the M16 was better.  Just that they managed to
keep theirs clean enough to not jam and that the bullets that they
originally had *were* nasty rounds.

I personally prefer the good ol' 30-06.

> Just read an article about Remington developing a 6.8 mm round for a
> replacement for the .223. Speculation is that it will be a much better
> round for combat purposes. The round is not much bulkier than the 223,
> but the bullet is larger in diameter (duh) and weighs more giving it
> better sectional density.
> IH content: The old 30-06 is to the cartridge world, as the Travelall
> was to the SUV world, whereas the 223 is kind of the Kia Sportage. Now,
> that was a stretch, wasn't it?
> John

I thought the travelall would be closer to the Barrett  .50s!   Made right
here in Murfreesboro, TN.

In other news, Barrett has announced that if CA passes the legislation that
would outlaw their .50 caliber rifle in California, they will stop *all*
support of CA law enforcement agencies from new firearms to parts.  Since
Barrett is the only producer for parts for a lot of those agencies rifles
and pistols (IIRC there were some pistols on the list), that could have some
severe repercussions.


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