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Re: [ihc] Another Diesel Starter Question

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph Shaw, II" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 18:59
Subject: [ihc] Another Diesel Starter Question

> Sorry-I don't think I have asked this here yet, though I have asked it on
> diesel forum of BB:
> My set-up is a non-turbo diesel with an auto-a very rare set-up, but I
> seen a few others like it in my day.
> I have NO spacer for my starter, but there was NOT one when I took it off
> I recall.  I don't believe there was one on the starter itself, and I
> see one on my block nor on the ground where it may have fallen out of the
> block.
> Does anyone have this same style set-up and can they look and see if there
> a spacer.  It will only apply if it is a diesel, non-turbo with an auto, I
> have been told, and like I say, most non-turbo diesels had manual
trannies, so
> there may not be many of these on here.  But if anyone has one of these,
> please look and see if they can find a starter spacer, as this could cause
> problem.
> The same rules do not apply as with the gas engines, as this is the Nissan
> diesel and hitachi or some kind of starter, but I thought it was worth
> checking.
> Thanks!
> Michael

Ask Doug Scott.  www.scottautomotive.com he has a '76 diesel traveler with
the auto... should be the same setup you have in your scout so he might be
able to answer the question for you.  If it does need a spacer he might have
one too.


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