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RE: [ihc] making a 1/2T a 3/4T

My understanding of the military axles available is that they come in
two flavors:
1. From 1 1/4T (CUCV) pickups and are FF 14 bolt rear and a Dana 60
front.  All came with 4.56:1 gears and all with a Detroit in the rear.  
2. From Blazers (CUDV) and are 12 bolt rear and 10 bolt front with
3.08:1 gears. Maybe they were Dana 44 fronts. I never paid much
attention to these because why would I want them? The cost to swap from
3.08s to something reasonable will make me look elsewhere for an axle.  

Occasionally some axles show up from '70's Dodges that were used by the
military.  Are these the Dana 60 rears you are talking about?

I've been wrong before, but I've never heard of a 4.10 14 bolt on a
military rig.  Oh, and those 1 1/4T trucks are SRW, not dually.  I
believe they use dually brakes though, and whatever else.  I'll take a
pic of the honkin' drums on a real military 14 bolt for you.  

Ed Sohm
Battle Creek, IA 

'71 800 B
'74 200 4X4 Travelette Camper Special
+ a bunch more

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Ryan Moore
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:24 AM
To: mark stegmann
Cc: ihc-digest
Subject: Re: [ihc] making a 1/2T a 3/4T

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mark stegmann" <[email protected]>
To: "IHdigest" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 21:20
Subject: Re: [ihc] making a 1/2T a 3/4T

> Ryan, buy all the 14 bolts you can, and then sell them
> everywhere else in the country! Because I've never
> seen or heard of one cheap. a 10 bolt yes, but they're
> absolute junk. 14 bolts aren't as bad as dana axles or
> Ford 9"s but they ain't cheap, at least not around
> Missouri/Illinois.
> Mark

I picked up this one for $200 with that locker and the gears I wanted
I've been told I paid a "normal" price for it, and some have told me
that I
paid more than I needed to with them normally running half that much.
Seemed like a good deal to me, so I picked it up.  It's not a dana 70,
it has the same weight ratings as one since it's the 1 ton dually 14
I bought this in lieu of a dana 60 f/f with open diff and same gears for
$125.  Figured the bigger brakes, higher ratings and cheap drums (maybe
close to $50 or less) as well as the locker or posi made it worth the
$75.  I'm going back to GA today and the place may still have another
60 at that price (he originally had 3, someone else had bought one last
was there and I bought one for a friend).  Only thing is, if he still
it, it's got a bad drum on it and is still $125 regardless (drum has
missing from it).  He also has/had HD44 fronts with same gears for same
price and disk brakes.  I didn't pick up any of those because they are
disconnect axles or a newer full time.  Basically they are a newer style
axle with no hubs sticking out.  Been told to avoid the electronic
disconnect axles like the plague.

If you want me to check on the dana 60 or one of those HD44s I can.
are all ex military axles.


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