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Cookie Dan: Since You Ask...:Tornado Survivors - Spring '99
Well, here's another Okie (by transplant! ;-)) heard from... I heard from
Steve "KSOffroadr" Tucker this a.m., and now I see (reading back issues over
lunch!) he's since posted to the Digest. Dunno about any other Digesters
in OK. Hope all is well. Nearest tornado was 20-25 miles away. At about
that point, I packed wife and kiddos and took off to In-Laws bunker.
Doppler weather radar is a wonderful thing! ;-)
Hope to have a more IH related submission soon.
John L: Did you get your oil pump rebuild kit from Northwest? Any reason
why they'd be any better or worse than say NAPA or O'Reilly's over the
counter rebuild kit? I haven't forgotten what I owe ya (yeah, all that & 3
quarts drain oil ;-)).
Curt C: You're a patient man! Still need/want a valley pan for a 345?
[email protected]
'72 Travelall 1010
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