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legislative alert
New Hampshire Introduces Bill to Increase Registration Fees for Older
Vehicles (Model Years 1943-1974)
A bill (H.B. 639) has been introduced in the New Hampshire legislature
that would change current law to significantly and unfairly reduce the
numbers of vehicles and motorcycles that could register as antiques.
Under the bill, only vehicles manufactured in 1942 or earlier could
register as antiques and qualify for reduced registration fees. This
bill would directly affect all vehicles manufactured between 1943-1974
that were previously registered as antiques.
We Urge You to Contact Your State Legislators to Oppose H.B. 639
H.B. 639 is a blatant attempt to fill state coffers on the backs of
vehicle collectors and hobbyists.
H.B. 639 raises the registration fee from $6 to $25.20 for model year
1943-1974 passenger vehicles.
H.B. 639 forces model year 1943-1974 vehicles to undergo the same
emissions testing requirements as newer cars.
H.B. 639 takes away the right of owners of model year 1943-1974 vehicles
to display year of vehicle manufacture license plates.
H.B. 639 eliminates the prestige and added value of owning a 1943-1974
vehicle that the term "antique" confers. Losing the antique registration
status can also have a negative effect on obtaining classic car
insurance and on potential resale value.
Contact the New Hampshire House Transportation Committee members (see
list below) and your own state legislators immediately to oppose this
legislation. If you need assistance in determining who your legislators
are, please contact the New Hampshire Legislature's General Information
Line at 603/271-1110. This information can also be obtained by calling
the SEMA Washington, D.C. office at 202/783-6007 or via the Internet at
Please fax a copy of your letters to us at 202/783-6024 or mail to:
SEMA Washington Office
1317 F Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
Attention: Steve McDonald/Brian Caudill
These Legislators can be reached by mail and phone via
State of New Hampshire
New Hampshire House of Representatives
State House
107 North State Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Sherman A. Packard, Chairman
John W. Flanders Sr., Vice-Chairman
Robert J. Letourneau, Clerk
Gordon E. Bartlett
Rudolph J. Kobel
Jon P. Beaulieu
William E. Mosher
Robert J. Haley
George A. LaPorte
Robert H. Milligan
John S. Langone
Pierre W. Bruno
Roland M. Turgeon
Peter F. Leonard
Alfred C. Lerande
Thomas J. Boriso
Larry J. Cossette
Stanley E. Czech
Peter R. Cote
Rose H. Arthur
Leslie J. Mendenhall
_____Dan Nees_____
[email protected]
1 Scout II 1979 named Good
1 Scout II 1971 named Bad
1 Scout II 1979 named Ugly
I'm looking for an Automatic Tranny that will not take on water!
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