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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Harais <tjhemh@domain.elided>
To: Doug Rasmussen <DougRasmussen@domain.elided>; INTERNET:ihc@domain.elided
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: NWBRU

>Rik, Doug:
>Didn't Thebert post the dates on the BB site?
>Tom H.

Not exactly, Tom.  I stated that I would be happy to add the NWBRU to the
event calendar, if only I could find out some authoritative info about it.

And since "authoritative info" seems to be lacking, I went today straight to
the horse's mouth & asked Rob Marks of Northwest Binders about it.  Here's
the scoop:

It appears that the "Sky Valley Antique Tractor Club" -- whose show the
Northwest Binders traditionally "piggybacked" their event onto -- has lost
control over some of the land that the Sky Valley Antique Tractor Show
typically uses.

The shortage of space, plus some other "cultural differences" between the
older tractor crowd and the generally younger "light truck" crowd, resulted
in NW Binders "losing their lease" effectively.  Though the light truck
crowd was well behaved & generally kept to themselves in a separate area of
the grounds, some of the Sky Valley folk appear to believe that their own
"tractor event" was in danger of being overshadowed -- particularly in the
pulling event.  Needless to say, NW Binders is pretty disappointed in the
decision by Sky Valley Tractor Club.

It would appear, therefore, that the NW Binders are scrambling -- looking
for new space to hold the Roundup.  A location and dates are therefore not
yet available.

I guess that explains why it's not yet on the calendar.

Bill Thebert
The Binder Bulletin

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