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RE: Scout and T'all oil pumps and pans

The t'alls came with 2 different types of oil pans, the rear sump and the
front sump.  The rear sump oil pan looks like a scouts oil pan, except it is
missing the "hump" in the bottom of it for the axle movement.  Okay, if you
have the front sump oil pan, it uses a different type of oil pump than a
scout.  If you have the rear sump oil pan, it uses the same oil pump as the
scout, but uses a different oil pick up tube.  The oil pick up tubes can be
swapped out, the t'all pick up tube is "deeper" than the scout pick up tube.
I think you could use the scout pick up tube on the t'all rear sump pan, but
you can not use the t'all pick up tube on the scout pan (trust me, I found
this out the hard way <grin>).  The rear sump pan from a t'all could be used
on a modified scout (ie spring over) but NOT on a stock scout setup.

Hope this answers your questions.

The Scout Ranch

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Peter F. Ferris [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Sunday, December 20, 1998 8:40 AM
> To:	IHC Digest
> Subject:	Oil Pumps
> Hullo Again,
> The topic of oil pumps prompted the following question(s):
> Is the pick-up tube/screen detachable from the pump itself?  The astute
> readers
> may recall that my '72 T-all 1010 2wd a/t motor is a 345 from a Scout. The
> Scout
> oil pickup will interfere with the my T-all pan.  I must use my T-all pan
> for
> the motor to mount properly. Sooooo... do I need to change the WHOLE pump
> & p/u
> / screen or JUST the pick-up/screen deal (presuming they're commonly
> threaded or
> whatever).  Can anyone confirm / deny any of this?
> (Dan, you may remain seated!  Your response has been recorded off digest.
> ;-)).
> Thanks,
> --Pete
> "Pardon me...have you seen my alludium Q-36 explosive space modulator?"
> -- Marvin the Martian
> pferrisATwebzoneDOTnet

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