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Milemarker overheat????

Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 10:14:58 -0600
From: Kevin Curry <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Winch Plans and other ideas

Don't ever let anyone tell ya a MileMarker will pull forever! I witnessed one
quit back in July while winching my Hummer (with a snatch block) up a hill.
DO overheat as well as any Warn or Ramsey. I woulda never believed it if I
hadn't have seen it with my own eyes.

1)Kevin did the winch stall or was it the motor on the winching rig that
overheated and wouldnt go anymore?
2) Did you overweigh the winch? How much does a hummer weigh?

I ask as I have witnessed several sever pulls and never noticed a bit of
overheating problems.
3)Was the winch defective..i would have sent it back to the company and
asked for a new one.
4) What was your Hummer doing at the bottum of the hill?..had to ask..:-) 

John Fleck
                        John L Fleck  
                     1225 N.E. McGee Way
                     Pullman, Wa. 99163
        Washington State University College # 509 332-7565 
        E-MAIL  [email protected]                
        ICQ # 8536313                 GOD bless you
        Personal Web Site: http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~jlfleck
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