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Re: Brake Hoses

The black helicopters hovering over the house recorded
[email protected] (John Townley) whispering:

>I would put a pair of vise grips on the fitting 
>and a pair of channel locks on the block, and go for it...
>You will probably destroy the fitting, but you are replacing
>the hose anyway, aren't you...

How about explosives?  Maybe a strategically placed shape charge?

Just an idea...

[email protected]           | "A fear of weapons is a
Conservative Libertarian      |  sign of retarded sexual
Life Member of the NRA        |  and emotional maturity."
WA Arms Collectors            |                          - Sigmund Freud
Capital City Rifle & Pistol   |                    "General Introduction
Commercial Helicopter - Inst. |                      to Psychoanalysis"

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