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Fish carb, valve float, and spys

>Sort of reminds me of the Fish carburetor.  Remember that one John H.?
>It was the carb that guaranteed 100 mpg and was bought and hidden by the
>big oil companies so they wouldn't lse money.

My neighbor for many years until he died at just under a 100 told me that
he helped develop the Fish carb and that he had been under constant
surveilance ever since (60 years) . Because I was paranoid about the BATF,
I asked him if it was the government or the auto manufacturers and he told
me "both" . I never saw anybody with binocs or such, but I did see a number
of big guys with big boots and I think they had door busters hidden in
their Volkswagon bugs.

As to a battery run Scout, have you ever tried winching much without
running the motor? , or before fuel injection modifications ever try to
start one of those old unstartables? As Steve says the idea is so
preposterous, I didn't comment on it until I needed to warn you all about
inventing a 100 mpg carb.

And Steve, quit picking on our California Governor, if you think he's bad,
take a look at our CA US senators. Now, they are scary.

>Would someone describe what happens during "valve float".. some quick
>calcs shows I had my '72 Scout II w/ 304 around 4800 or 4900rpm before I
>knew any better (115mph w/ 3.73 and 29" tires).. I *did* give that Camaro
>a run for it's money though.. :-)
Wow, Tom, that may be a record rpm-without damage for a stock IH motor.
Valve float is when the valve doesn't return to it's seat quickly enough to
catch the cam trying to open it again.

>Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 09:53:41 -0600 (CST)
>From: Steve Stegmann <stegmann@domain.elided>
>Subject: quotations
>Does anyone else get the feeling that Jefferson, Pitt and other notable
>names from the time of our country's independence might not be completely
>at home with the Sierra Club, and your average social whiner?  Or am I
>These folks seemed ready to take responsibility for their own actions.
>They were betting there very lives in this country.
>We seem to have lost the drive.  We've had too easy.
Hey Steve,
The guys that have been watching me as mentioned earlier, just left. I
caught the last car full and asked where they were going. They said they
had an urgent matter in the St. Louis area.

John Hofstetter  "Ol'Saline's Web Site" www.goldrush.com/~hofs
Life Member, National Rifle Association     California Rifle and Pistol Asc.
Member, Sierra Macintosh Users Group  Member, MacTwain Macintosh Users Group
Charter Member, FRIENDS OF DEATH VALLEY   Member, Blue Ribbon Coalition
Life Member, Association of California School Administrators
Owner of 79 Scout Terra "It's a legend"

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