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Re: blinker question???
On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Ed Kraus wrote:
> I'm sorry to post again But I guess I really confused everyone on my
> question.
> My outside marker lights and blinkers work fine. HOWEVER my
> dash lights are questionable. I was asking if the Dash blinkers
> should be on solid till selected then blink OR if they should be out
> till selected then blink????
> My signial indacator to the right of the speedo is on solid
> till selected and then blinks, and my one to the left of the speedo is
> out till selected then blinks. which one is correct???
Oh... I guess the reason it threw us (me, at least) is that those work
the same way on every car on the planet. If they do anything but blink
when the turn signal or hazard flasher is on, you have a problem.
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