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Re:Front Hub Lock Rings

On Fri, 19 Dec 1997 21:29:24 +0000 gehl@domain.elided writes:
>I enjoyed your lock ring solution.  I am a bit unclear about it, but 
>a second reading will do wonders.  On my Dana 44 front axle, there is 
>a fancy locking type ring with allen keyed snubbers and such ... it 
>has been a while.   Are these common?  Are they unlike the locking 
>rings you found?  What do you think of this locking solution?  BTW, 
>my PO used the same official chisel torquer as yours.  Mark
There are two styles of lock nuts used on Scout front axles.  John Landry
was writing about the lock nuts used with the manual locking hubs where
there are two nuts with a large flat washer in between and the washer is
to be bent over the flat of the outer nut to lock it in place.

Mark has the Lockomatic Hubs, or at least the nuts from them.  With
these, the outer "nut" is round and smooth as it is the stationary
surface the nylon friction shoes of the hubs ride on to make the -omatic
part of the hubs work.  So that this ring can be locked in place, the
washer between the nuts has a series of slots in it and the outer ring
has 3 set screws that turn in against the washer.  The spacing of the
screws and slots is such that you can expect a minimun of two of the set
screws to hit a slot in the washer and when you turn them all the way in,
the ring is securely locked against turning off.

There are some similarities between the Lockomatic solution and the one
John has suggested--not identical, but in both the nut is locked to the
washer by a pin or screw.

Hope this helps clear up the confusion

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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