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E34 Strut Cartridge Replacement
Hi Guys
I need to replace the shock absorber cartridges on my 1990 525i. I went to
buy some replacements but imagine my surprise when the chap in the shop said
that he wouldn't sell them to me unless "I could satisfy him I knew what I
was doing". Apparently they are tricky and "I could do myself an injury".
Unwanted patronisation aside, (must be something about my grey hair and
wrinkles...) I asked around and it seems these things do have a bit of a
reputation for difficulty; something about the top nut being difficult to
get on when reassembling the strut - the cartridge sits well down in the
strut housing?
Has anyone done this job lately? Is there a trick to it? Do I need a
special non-standard spring compressor? The Bentley Manual mentions no
difficulties at all except the obvious stuff like using a new nut and making
sure you get the spring compressor on right or risk losing your
eye/hand/finger etc...
BTW has anyone used the Bilstein inserts? Not all suppliers refuse to
supply these weapons of mass amputation, and I have been offered a pair for
$NZ280 which is about $US150. Also available for the same price are
Japanese manufactured KYBs, which I haven't heard of before. Or I could
purchase OE from the dealer for a mere $US440 the pair.
Kind regards
Chris Northover
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