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*** proceeding
SYLLABICATION: pro7ceed7ing
PRONUNCIATION: pr-sdng, pr-
1. A course of action; a procedure.
2. proceedings A sequence of events occurring at a particular place or
occasion: hectic proceedings in the kitchen. 3. proceedings A record of
business carried on by a society or other organization; minutes.
4. Law
a. Legal action; litigation. Often used in the plural.
b. The instituting or conducting of legal action.
*** pro7ceed
intr.v. pro7ceed7ed, pro7ceed7ing, pro7ceeds
1. To go forward or onward, especially after an interruption; continue:
proceeded to his destination; paused to clear her throat, then proceeded.
2. To begin to carry on an action or a process: looked surprised, then
proceeded to roar with laughter.
3. To move on in an orderly manner: Business proceeded as usual.
4. To come from a source; originate or issue: behavior proceeding from
hidden motives.
5. Law. To institute and conduct legal action: proceeded against the
defaulting debtor.
Perhaps a better dictionary has a definition of "proceeding" that means what
Ron J intends for it to mean in his post, but none of the definitions that
the American Heritage provides means "comes before".
If you look at the root definitions ("proceed"), I guess #4 could be
interpreted to mean "E34 originated from the E28", but "origination",
"issue" or "come from a source" does not necessarily mean "came before" --
after all, winter comes after summer but does not "originate/issue/come
from" summer.
Bah, too much free time.
- --Dennis