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No saints here! <wob>
- Subject: No saints here! <wob>
- From: Don Cicchetti <dcicchet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:27:49 -0700
David Lacroque said:
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Don you must be a Saint. I don't know how many times I have heard the
phrase "buyer beware" but I don't see why the street can't go both ways. If
the vendor was given numerous chances to revise the pricing it is their loss.
I didn't order the book but I wouldn't feel bad if I did.
Dave '87 325
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Hi Dave,
I once knew a lawyer named Lacrock! <grin>
Hey, if I can put up with Cicchetti-spaghetti my whole life, I can tease
David a little about "La Crock" ok??
I am -extraordinarily- far from being a saint! Ask my wife! (please!)
But we all bitch about how nasty the world is these days, yet we don't do
anything about it. Fer instance; while driving, you see someone trying to
exit a parking lot near an intersection. The light is red, there is
nowhere to go. Do you still pull right up behind the car in front of you,
or do you stop and let them out of the parking lot and into traffic? It
makes NO difference in your travel time to let them in, since the light is
red anyway. Do you? I've been trying that, and man, their faces light
up, they wave! Very cool.
On the highway, do you make room for someone trying to merge, or do you
close the gap so they have to get in behind you? Do you sit in the left
lane and block traffic, or do you move over let the "lunatics" pass?
(innit nice to be rid of them??)
The things we do have a ripple effect in the society around us. Aren't we
*tired* yet of the "looking out for number one" culture? ho-hum...
I know the original post was about buying a book, and I wasn't trying to
tee off on the "bottom line" guy; his post just made me think of the
results of not understanding that people who run businesses are just like
you and I (well, busier...)
I have several friends who run small businesses. Some are involved in
cars, some in fancy guitars and amps, and others are doctors. All are
really decent people. Treat 'em like you would like to be treated and
watch what happens.
"nuff said
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Don Cicchetti - BMW CCA member 122043
[email protected]
'71 2002/M42 (waddya mean that motor don't go in there?)
- -Beatnik Motor Werke- 0=OO=0
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