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Value of a '97 540iA


I'm looking at a 97 540i Auto, Mont. Blue with silver leather interior.  Pretty loaded but no sports package,
CD changer or "Home Link".  They are asking 42,993 for this car with 44,000 miles.  Blue Book is 42,100
retail and 36,700 wholesale.  My independant mechanic gives the car 2 thumbs up - except for the rear
tires which are a bit worn.

Any idea on what a fair market price would be for this car?  It is located in Iowa, (as am I.)

Tom Clark,  CCIE #3266
Systems Engineer                                        ||        ||
311 3rd Ave SE, Suite 225                               ||        ||
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401                               ||||      ||||
Direct:     (319)399-5182                          ..:||||||:...:||||||:..
Cellular:   (319)350-3652                          c i s c o S y s t e m s
Pager:      (800)365-4578
E-mail:      [email protected]
