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Re: logo impressions

An easy and perfectly legal way around this logo problem would be to make a
digest sticker that had a properly sized gap or a blank circle in it to
which one could later affix an approved BMW logo or roundel bought at a
dealer.  Or maybe pried off of the hood of some lawyer's 750il in BMW NA's
parking lot.  So the sticker would be like

      THE -blank- DIGEST




You could even make it up as a kit.

Hey if they'll sell ///M insignias to Tercel owners they can't be all that
concerned with dilution of their trademark cachet.  But then, I put one on
my winter beater, an '83 diesel Blazer.
- -Al
95 M3

At 12:54 PM 12/7/98 -0500, "Jeffrey Lloyd" <[email protected]> wrote:
>ok well if the logo is submitted to BMW NA with roundel on it we have a 
>shot of getting whatever we want. It may be easier to go without 
>roundel. A mouse over a Curled Bavarian flag. and BMW DIGEST and the url 
>would not be copyright infringement. and as for (bubba) cough cough 
>Duane suggestion of using what we want anyway, without permission!!  
>that really expresses how serious and professional we are, doesn't it? 
>Duane please Stop ranting I do not think that is very legal or even 
>bubalike behavior
>I am personally looking forward to legally having a great sticker maybe 
>even one of those shields that goes next to the license plate like some 
>dealers have..
>Jeff Lloyd
>Member since 95
