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<WOB> Mark tries hiaku

"Mark the Kiborter" writes:

>who tested it , were they qualified
>were the tests controlled
>did you measure air box pressure on the road , at speed
>what rpm does  the fan operated at
>how much thrust is produced in free air
>what is the pressure at half the air flow
>how does you fuel systen respond
>is 4 hp really worth it
>how much current is drawn
>whats the diameter
>is the fan always running or only at WOT
>how does this compare to running with a low restrictive filter.
>what about others in this market , how are you different.
>These would be the questions a intellegent person would ask. 

Oh.... so that's what it is.  I thought it was just some ill-conceived haiku.

Bob Stommel

P.S.  Mark, it's "an intelligent" person.     
