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afm conversion

Message text written by INTERNET:[email protected]
>ubject: AFM to MAF Conversions: The Third Option

Option 1: Split Second

Option 2: Custom ECU software

Option 3: A MAF meter calibrated to a specific AFM.
          (Costs less than Option 1 and 2)

I have Option 3 in my car right now with the factory chip in the ECU.
This past Saturday, I autocrossed at an SCCA event with it and won ESP.
I have two digesters willing to try my unit in their cars, and several
more interested in hearing about the results.


- - -----------------------------<

ED , very interested in your MAF conversion.  How did you do it.  Any Ide=
of inceases of HP????????
does the afm have some type of circuit that give a simular 2 volt to 7 vo=
range like theAFM????

can you do any 60to 100 mph runs.  (this is you portable dyno, as i have
calabrated by HP from dyno runs to this method , and it is very accurate.=

)    =

mark kibort
