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Incorrect Spelling Works Anyway <wob>

(I usually let these spelling things pass without comment, but this one
was too good.)

While discussing:

>Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 10:18:20 EDT
>From: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Rodd Sidney and Regexp

You said:

>Now I'm wondering, who here (besides us Perl people) knows what
>regexps  are? 
>answer: a cleaver protocol (list of commonly used text matches) used
>to search and distroy illegal spams from the enemy.  

I think you meant to say "clever" protocol.  But, in this instance, "cleaver"
works pretty well, too, eh?  As in, let's just CHOP that spam right out of

Yes, we all appreciate the new SPAM filters, and Richard, if you're
reading this, I've been meaning to send you some money to help run this
thing.  If the advertising doesn't work out, please publish an address
where we can send a contribution.

(Oh, and the rest of you, please, let's not start another
spelling/grammar/punctuation war, unless you have something "cleaver"
to say.)

Scott Miller
Golden Gate Chapter 
BMW CCA #44977
