
Re: Car Care Recommendations

> 1. What is the best method/product to remove water spots from the black
> rubber molding [the one on top of door at base of window]?

Zymol Vinyl

> 2. What is the best method/product to remove wax and/or haze from body side
> moldings [all around car]?

Zymol Vinyl (and then use Zymol wax on the car, which will not haze molding).

> 3. What is the best method/product to remove/protect alloy wheel
> ding/scratches that occur [probably from concrete curb during paralleling
> parking] with occasional life visits to the city?
Oooooo, did you leave yourself open on this one. You're going to drive 
your aluminum alloy wheels into concrete? An believe there's a "product" 
to protect from this? There are a few choices:
	1. Feelers
	2. Better driving skills
Once you've dug into the alloy, at best you can fill with clearcoat and 
do a little sanding with wetdry (read article I posted on ding 
restoration a few digests back).

Filippo Morelli
[email protected]