
Re: <E36 M3> Tire Pressure

Hi Mike.


>Can anyone using MXX3 tires on this car relate if
>they found a satisfactory tire pressure differential to minimize the

My notes show that I ran 37psi front, 35psi rear on MXX3's at Thunderhill
in my M3 Lightweight, and my instructor commented a few times on how
neutral the car felt, and preferred it to his E30 M3. Dave Fisher, a
10-year SCCA veteran w/non-BMWs, and who pitted next to me, drove his M3
Luxe for the first time, with a similar or identical f/r pressure
_differential_, but he was running R1's.

If not neutral, the car understeered just a little, with the right front
showing the most wear (mainly from THill's Turn 2), the other three tires
showing almost no cupping.  The car (and driver) felt great, so I will
stick with this setup for now.

I got this f/r setup from an amalgam of suggestions from others on the BMW
list. Also, I would mention that when I played with tires pressure prior to
THill, my general conclusion was that higher pressures led to an uneasy
"skating" kind of feel, and no demonstrable (i.e. observed on-ramp speed)


| Andrew E. Kalman, Ph.D.   [email protected]  |
|        standard disclaimers apply         | 