

I extracted the following from the BMW mosaic server.  It MOSTLY works
for the 3 series I've looked at.

 -- Jim Newman   [email protected]
(Shopping for a sporty five-eight-year-old 3 series to replace the two
wheeler that gives the fiancee the whillies)

Decoding Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 

  VIN number:

                                         WBA AA13 1 - L A E57862
Mfg. Code                                  ^  ^   ^ ^ ^ ^   ^
 WBA -- BMW-AG, Munich                     |  |   | | | |   |
 WBS -- BMW Motorsport Gmbh, Munich  ------+  |   | | | |   |
                                              |   | | | |   |
                                              |   | | | |   |
Vehicle Description Section                   |   | | | |   |
  AA13 -- AG Model Code      -----------------+   | | | |   |
                                                  | | | |   |
                                                  | | | |   |
Restraint System                                  | | | |   |
 0--Manual Seat Belts                             | | | |   |
 1--Manual Seat Belts with Supplemental-----------+ | | |   |
       Restrant System                              | | |   |
                                                    | | |   |
Check Digit  ---------------------------------------+ | |   |
                                                      | |   |
Model Year                                            | |   |
 A--1980  D--1983  G--1986  K--1989                   | |   |
 B--1981  E--1984  H--1987  L--1990                   | |   |
 C--1982  F--1985  J--1988  M--1991  -----------------+ |   |
 N--1992  O--European Model                             |   |
                                                        |   |
                                                        |   |
Plant of Manufacture                                    |   |
 A--Munich                                              |   |
 B,D--Dinofing       -----------------------------------+   |
 E--Regensburg                                              |
Serial Number (6 Digits) -----------------------------------+