
Who's Who List - December 1994

Another month has rolled by too quickly.  Did you notice how fast 
November passed as we slide into December? I did... but, here is the 
latest who's who list for December.  Enjoy, Brian.

Several people requested a way for me to sort the list and now I hope 
I have given you a simple way to do it. Notice that each field of this 
"table" is separated by a single space character (& where a space is 
required, I used an underscore character).  If there are more than one 
space between fields, it is a result of optional data that does not 
exist. You can now import this data into most word processing or 
spreadsheets and get it to sort for you.

I have seperated out all of the other information sent regarding 
your experience and expertise into another data file entitled "For 
Further Information" (approximately 25K bytes).  If you would like a 
copy of this information, please e-mail me direct and I'll send it to 
you as soon as possible.

If you are listed under the area, "For Further Information", and list 
knowledge or experience with a particular area or model, this will 
imply that you are willing to accept correspondence from other list 
members regarding your stated realm of experience or expertise.

This list is created solely for the information and enjoyment of those 
on the Internet-accessible BMW interest list.  It may not be used for 
any commercial purposes.  The use of this list also falls under the 
appropriate use policy and heed its limitations regarding use of the 
Internet resources for commercial purposes.

All additions, deletions, changes and queries regarding this list 
should be sent directly to Brian Foster at: [email protected].  In 
addition to your own information, I would appreciate any notes stating 
that other persons on the list have already left and their entries are 
no longer valid.  I'll take the responsibility to delete them and risk 
the flames. 

***   During December, I am going to compare this list to the members
      of the mailing list.  I'll post a message of people that might 
      be deleted as soon as the comparison is completed.  Check this 
      message closely when it arrives since some of you list different 
      addresses than the one the mail list uses.

For additions and changes, please provide responses in the following 
format (on one line separated by a space for each field -- use an 
underscore character, "_" where a space would be required):

Model Class [optional]: For example "E36" for current 3-series. 
Year: Production Year of your Vehicle.
Model: For example, "325is" (for E36 model to be consistent). 
Owned Since [optional]: Year/Month (note: I had to change unknown
                        months to January for sorting purposes.)
Mileage [optional]: I'll list in either miles or kilometers
                        (kilometers would be. for example,
First & Last Name:
E-Mail Address: (Please choose one)
Geographic Location: City, State or Providence, Country (USA not 
Then list any other brief information that should appear in the "For 
Further Information" section of the list. 

so, a listing of this information may look like: 
E36 93 325is 93/04 45K Joe Smith <[email protected]> Los_Angeles,CA
                        note the underscore for a space =^

Some Interesting Facts:
Number of Cars owned in each Model Class:
      114         :  44
      121         :   3
      E3          :   2
      E9          :   4
      E10         :  14
      E12         :  19
      E21         :  20
      E23         :  12
      E24         :  13
      E28         :  35
      E30         :  93
      E34         :   6
      E36         :  41
      Motorcycles :  10
      Unclassified:   3
There are 26 "M" cars with 18 of those being M3s 
Highest claimed mileage: 
E30 84 318i  93/03 218K  Dale  Beuning  <[email protected]> WA
There are 239 cars in the US, 41 outside of the US, and 47 without information 
(note that this is not the number of list participants in/out of the US!). 
Sorted in alphabetical order by last name this time

E30 89 325is 91/02  Daniel Adams <[email protected]> SC
E10 72 2002Tii 94/06  Ware Adams <[email protected]> DC
E36 93 325i 93/07  Scott Ageno <[email protected]> Phoenix,AZ
E28 83 533i   Kwan Alfred <[email protected]> 
E30 85 318i 90/12  Seyed Allameh <[email protected]> OH
E30 91 325iA 91/12  Rishi Alok <[email protected]> CA
E28 83 533i  100K Raja Amit <[email protected]> 
E36 93 325is 92/12  Tom Arman <[email protected]> NC
E23 82 733i   Tareef Attar <[email protected]> Toronto,Canada
E30 89 325i 94/08 96K Tim Ayers <[email protected]> Phoenix,AZ
E36 94 318is 94/02  Afzal Ballim <[email protected]> Switzerland
E30 84 318i 89/01  Albert Barajas <[email protected]> 
E12 80 528i 89/10 80K Walt Barie <[email protected]> Pittsburgh,PA
E21 79 320i 87/08 160K Walt Barie <[email protected]> Pittsburgh,PA
E32 88 735i 93/02  Robert Baron <[email protected]> OK
E12 75 530I 92/12 205K Chris Barrus <[email protected]> 
E36 94 318is 94/05  Norm Bartoo <??> La_Jolla,CA
E36 94 325is 94/06  Norm Bartoo <??> La_Jolla,CA
E23 85 735i 90/05  George Baumer <[email protected]> PA
E28 83 533i 90/01  George Baumer <[email protected]> PA
E30 88 325is 94/05 62K Steve Bellaire <[email protected]> 
E28 83 528e 88/10  Steve Bernstein <[email protected]> NY
E30 84 318i 93/03 218K Dale Beuning <[email protected]> WA
E30 90 325iC 92/06  Timothy Bigham <[email protected]> NY
E36 95 M3 95/08  Richard Biscevic <[email protected]> CA
E12 79 528i 90/12  Matthew Blake <[email protected]> CA
E28 86 524TD 90/08 120K Chris Blumenthal <[email protected]> 
114 74 2002 89/01  David Bokaie <[email protected]> CA
E30 86 325 91/01  David Bokaie <[email protected]> CA
E30 91 318is   Peter Bolmida <[email protected]> 
E21 78 320i 78/05  Brett Borowski <[email protected]> NJ
E21 83 320iS 83/01 74K Frank Bov <[email protected]> 
E36 93 325i 93/08  John Bowne <[email protected]> OR
E3 73 3.0sa  90K Colin Brace <[email protected]> 
E10 73 2002Tii 83/12  Mike Brooks <[email protected]> TX
114 75 2002 88/07  Matt Brumwell <??> TN
E28 87 535is 90/07  Matt Brumwell <??> TN
E30 88 M3 93/10  Matt Brumwell <??> TN
Unclassified 58 Isetta_300_Convertible 93/06 23K Dave Burden <??> 
E21 83 320i  170Kkm Jeff Campbell <[email protected]> 
E12 79 528i 92/09 160K Will Campbell <[email protected]> Boston,MA
E28 83 533i 94/08 48K Will Campbell <[email protected]> Boston,MA
E30 86 325es 94/07 98K Leon Chang <[email protected]> CA
E30 87 325i 91/05  Darci Chapman <[email protected]> OR
E30 87 325es 94/05 55k Ron Checca <[email protected]> 
E30 88 M3 93/11 53k Ron Checca <[email protected]> 
E30 90 M3 91/10 31k Ron Checca <[email protected]> 
E36 94 325i 93/12 6K Julian Chen <[email protected]> 
E28 87 535is 87/12  Lee Chen <lee%[email protected]> NJ
E30 89 325i 89/08 86K Morison Chen <[email protected]> San_Diego,CA
E24 83 633CSi 92/09  Lawrence Cheng <[email protected]> CA
E30 88 325iC   Brian Chew <[email protected]> 
E12 79 528i 92/02  Tom Childers <[email protected]> CA
Motorcycle 89 K100RS/ABS 89/11  Tom Childers <[email protected]> CA
E30 86 325 91/06  Harpal Chohan <[email protected]> OH
E36 93 325is 93/07 15K Guillermo Christensen <[email protected]> VA
E12 81 528i   Peter Chu <[email protected]> NY
E36 94 325i  9K Jim Conforti <[email protected]> Salt_Lake_City,UT
E36 95 M3   Jim Conforti <[email protected]> Salt_Lake_City,UT
E30 90 325i 94/01 55K Gary Cook <[email protected]> Hollister,CA
E30 91 318i 91/05 42K Naresh Coppisetti <[email protected]> 
E30 89 325i 88/12  Inus Crawford <[email protected]> OH
E12 80 528i 93/07 115K Ted Crum <[email protected]> CA
114 76 2002 94/02  Anand Dandeker <[email protected]> 
E34 92 525i 93/07  Anand Dandeker <[email protected]> MD
E32 94 740iL   Phillip Dang <[email protected]> CA
E30 90 325i 88/01  Phiroze Dastoor <[email protected]> LA
E28 85 535i   Mike Daun <nicmad!daun%[email protected]> 
Motorcycle 78 R80/7   Mike Daun 
<nicmad!daun%[email protected]> 
E30 91 318i   Steven Davis <[email protected]> MI
E24 80 635CSi(Euro) 81/01  John De_Armond <[email protected]> GA
E9 73 3.0CS   Ken DelGrande <[email protected]> 
E32 90 750iL 90/06  Dr.Stefan Demetrescu <[email protected]> CA
E10 72 2002Tii   John Dempsey <[email protected]> CA
E24 85 635CSi(Euro)   John Dempsey <[email protected]> CA
114 76 2002 94/05  Ian Dickerson <[email protected]> FL
E28 88 535is 92/02  Ian Dickerson <[email protected]> FL
E36 92 318is 92/01  Peter Dieben <[email protected]> 
E21 79 Alpina/B6-328 89/01  Chas DiFatta <[email protected]> PA
E21 80 320i 82/01  Chas DiFatta <[email protected]> PA
E10 74 2002Tii 74/08  Dale Dohler <[email protected]> MI
E30 84 318i 87/01  John Doleac <[email protected]> MA
E30 90 325is 91/10  Paul Dorweiler <[email protected]> CO
E30 84 318i 83/01  Don Douglas <[email protected]> Nova_Scotia,Canada
E30 87 325is 93/06 103K David Draper <[email protected]> CA
E28 85 535I 93/08 80K Doug Dykaar <[email protected]> Gillette,NJ
E21 76 316 92/06  Stephan Edman <[email protected]> Sweden
E30 85 323i 89/06  Stephan Edman <[email protected]> 
E36 93 318is 93/04  Dan Edwards <[email protected]> CA
E24 84 M635CSi 94/05 58K Mike Fabian <[email protected]> IN
E21 79 320i 82/04  Sam Fairchild <[email protected]> OH
E28 86 535i 91/09  Sam Fairchild <[email protected]> OH
E10 72 2002Tii 94/08 60K Hank Farber <[email protected]> NJ
E10 73 2002Tii 92/07  Hank Farber <[email protected]> NJ
E30 86 325 90/12  Hank Farber <[email protected]> NJ
E28 83 533i 91/10  Fred Farber <[email protected]> MA
E30 87 325is 93/10  Fred Farber <[email protected]> MA
E36 94 325is 94/04 8K Luke Fichthorn <[email protected]> 
114 74 2002 87/08  John Fields <[email protected]> Pittsburgh,PA
E36 93 318i 93/07  John Firestone <[email protected]> 
E34 95 530i 94/08  Ephraim Fithian <[email protected]> PA
E36 92 325i 91/07  Ephraim Fithian <[email protected]> PA
E12 78 530i   Thom Fitzpatrick <[email protected]> 
114 71 2002   Chris Forsyth <[email protected]> 
114 72 2002   Chris Forsyth <[email protected]> 
E10 74 2002Tii   Chris Forsyth <[email protected]> 
114 74 2002 92/05  Brian Foster <[email protected]> Irvine,CA
Unclassified 61 600_W/Sunroof 94/09  Brian Foster 
<[email protected]> Irvine,CA
E30 87 325is 93/04 95K Steve Fox <[email protected]> VA
Motorcycle 86 R65 86/08 15K Steve Fox <[email protected]> VA
114 68 2002 94/01  Erik Frank <[email protected]> TX
E36 94 325iS 94/08  Todd Gallagher <[email protected]> Columbus,OH
114 75 2002   Keith Gawlik <[email protected]> Boulder,CO
Motorcycle 71 R75/5   Keith Gawlik <[email protected]> Boulder,,CO
E23 84 733i   Jacob George <[email protected]> Long_Island,NY
E34 89 535 93/06 62K W.B Gerard <[email protected]> FL
E34 93 525 93/10 15K W.B. Gerard <[email protected]> FL
E28 87 535is 91/10 105K Steve Gerhardt <[email protected]> WA
E36 93 325is  20K Lawrence Gilliam <[email protected]> Cincinnati,OH
E28 85 525i 91/08  Adrian Godfrey <[email protected]> 
E12 75 520   Jeffrey Goh <[email protected]> Singapore
E10 72 2002Tii 93/01  John Gong <[email protected]> CA
E21 80 323i(Euro)   John Gong <[email protected]> CA
E30 90 325iA 91/08  John Gong <[email protected]> CA
E30 87 325i 92/07  Matt Graham <[email protected]> CO
E10 72 2002Tii   Dan Graves <[email protected]> Rocklin,CA
E9 72 3.0CS   Dan Graves <[email protected]> Rocklin,CA
E30 84 318i 92/06  J.P. Grenert <[email protected]> MN
E34 89 525i 92/08  Mark Guinto <[email protected]> San_Diego,CA
114 76 2002   Tom Guterbock <[email protected]> VA
114 74 2002 94/10  Clark Haass <[email protected]> Boise,ID
E28 82 528ea 93/07 134K Fred Hacker <[email protected]> 
E32 88 735i 94/07 67K Atul Hajela <[email protected]> 
E28 88 535i 94/11 52K Roger Harmston <[email protected]> BC,Canada
E3 72 Bavaria 88/09  Michael Harper <[email protected]> CA
E30 89 325i 89/05  John Harris <[email protected]> MA
114 73 2002 93/01  Bruce Hatt <[email protected]> 
E21 79 320i 93/05  Bruce Hatt <[email protected]> 
E36 92 318is 92/09  Scott Henry <[email protected]> MD
E30 89 M3 92/12  Gary Hong <[email protected]> CA
114 69 1600ti   Mike Hood-Douda 
<[email protected]> Lebanon,OR
E36 95 325i   Mike Hood-Douda <[email protected]> 
E21 78 320i 93/06 100K Tom Hunt <[email protected]> 
E30 89 325i 89/10  Chuck Huston <[email protected]> CA
114 71 2002Ti 94/07 92K Steve Jahns <[email protected]> IA
114 75 2002 92/01  Vida Jakabhazy <[email protected]> MA
114 76 2002 92/01  Vida Jakabhazy <[email protected]> MA
114 68 1600 89/10  King Jim <[email protected]> OR
E30 88 M3 93/04 50K Jay Jungalwala <[email protected]> NY
E30 85 318i 90/07 65K Rolf Jungbark <[email protected]> Linkoping,Sweden
E32 88 735i   Melissa Kadiri <[email protected]> NY
E21 80 320i  90K Oliver Keith <[email protected]> 
114 73 2002 73/05  Dave Kellington <[email protected]> 
E36 95 M3 94/05  Simon Kennedy <[email protected]> IL
114 71 2002   Christopher Kent <[email protected]> 
E30 86 325 90/08 134K Gene Kern <[email protected]> Erie,PA
E30 91 318is 93/12 40K Gene Kern <[email protected]> Erie,PA
121 66 2000Ca   Robert Keyes <[email protected]> MA
E30 89 325is 93/08 96K Andrew Kilinski <[email protected]> Atlanta,GA
E30 91 318is 90/12  Michael Kim <[email protected]> CA
E36 93 325iC 94/01  Peter Kim <[email protected]> CA
114 74 2002 87/08  Brian Kinports <[email protected]> FL
E28 85 528e 94/01  Brian Kinports <[email protected]> FL
E30 87 325es 87/04  Rick Kjeldsen <[email protected]> NY
E24 86 635CSi 90/04  Stuart Kreitman <[email protected]> CA
Motorcycle 82 R100CS 84/06  Stuart Kreitman <[email protected]> CA
E23 79 732i(Euro)   Joe KreppApple <[email protected]> 
E23 80 733i 84/11  Paul Kunz <[email protected]> CA
E30 88 325is 93/09 97K William Kunz <[email protected]> LA,CA

E12 80 528i   Alfred Kwan <[email protected]> 
E32 92 750iL   Dan Lai <[email protected]> 
E36 92 Dinan-3(325i)   Dan Lai <[email protected]> 
E30 89 325i 94/05 94K Dean Lai-How <[email protected]> 
E28 88 528ea 94/04  Michael LaRosa <[email protected]> Nashua,NH
E30 87 325is 91/01  Cliff Lasser <[email protected]> MA
E36 94 325i 94/10  Alex Lee <[email protected]> Cambridge,MA
E30 89 M3 92/01 49K Jimson Lee <[email protected]> 
E30 85 318i 87/01  Nick Lemberos <[email protected]> MD
114 71 2002   Noam Levine <[email protected]> 
E12 80 528iA 91/09  Jialin Li <[email protected]> GA
E24 88 M6 91/12  Larry Li <[email protected]> CA
E30 85 325e 90/01 170k Dan Liebster <[email protected]> NYC,NY
114 75 2002 86/06  Sam Lin <[email protected]> 
114 76 2002 93/08  Sam Lin <[email protected]> 
E28 84 528e 94/09  Sam Lin <[email protected]> 
E30 85 325e 92/08  Sam Lin <[email protected]> 
E30 86 325e 86/09  John Link <[email protected]> VA
E30 88 325iC 88/06  Patricia Liu <[email protected]> CA
E36 93 325i 93/07  Patricia Liu <[email protected]> CA
E36 94 325ic 94/02 1.2K Terence Lui <[email protected]> Madison,NJ
121 66 2000CS   Richard Lundquist <[email protected]> CA
E28 1988 528e 88/08 32K Aaron Lung <[email protected]> CA
E24 85 M635CSi 90/07 48K Dirk Lutzebaeck <[email protected]> 
E12 78 520/6A 89/05 135K Ole Maeland <[email protected]> 
E28 83 528i 92/07 112K Ole Maeland <[email protected]> 
E36 95 M3   Keith MaloneyHuss <[email protected]> 
E30 91 318is 93/09  David Manderscheid <[email protected]> IA
E24 85 M635CSi 90/08  Bill Manry <[email protected]> CA
E30 85 325e 92/03  Stephen McGrath <[email protected]> GA
E30 87 325is 88/08  Stephen McGrath <[email protected]> GA
E30 87 325is 87/05  Jim McHale <[email protected]> NH
114 70 2002 89/09  Ed Meeks <[email protected]> 
E30 86 325e 92/03  Walt Melton <[email protected]> CA
E36 95 318is 94/10  Stuart Metcalfe <[email protected]> UK
E28 85 Hartge-H5S 89/06  Jim Meyer <[email protected]> TX
114 73 2002 93/01  Eric Miller 
<[email protected][email protected]> OH
114 68 1600_(converted_to_2002_ITB) 91/09  Mike Mills <[email protected]> 
E30 91 318is 90/05 98K Mike Mills <[email protected]> CA
114 76 2002   Filliipo Morelli <[email protected]> 
E23 81 745i(Factory_Turbo) 92/01  Charles Morris <[email protected]> 
E24 83 635CSi 93/12  Colin Morrison <[email protected] 
E28 88 M5 88/04 16K Brent Morton <[email protected] Ontario,Canada
E23 79 745i(Euro) 86/06 41K Brent Morton <[email protected]> 
E9 74 3.0CSL 74/07 32K Brent Morton <[email protected]> 
E30 89 325i 89/10  Phillip Mueller <[email protected]> AL
Motorcycle 93 R100RT 93/05  Phillip Mueller <[email protected]> AL
E28 86 528e 94/07  Ahsun Murad <[email protected]> MD
114 76 2002 76/04  Robert Myers <[email protected]> CA
E30 85 325e 85/01  Robert Myers <[email protected]> WV
E30 85 325e 93/05  Jahangir Nakra <[email protected]> MA
114 76 2002 88/10  James Narem <[email protected]> CT
114 72 2002(supercharged)   Thomas Nast <[email protected]> WA
121 67 2000CS   Thomas Nast <[email protected]> WA
Motorcycle 58 R68_Conversion_w/Steib_S500_Sidecar   Thomas Nast 
<[email protected]> WA
Motorcycle 78 R100/7   Thomas Nast <[email protected]> WA
Motorcycle 78 R100S   Thomas Nast <[email protected]> WA
Unclassified 63 700CV   Thomas Nast <[email protected]> WA
E23 83 745i   Jan Nelson <[email protected]> 
E36 93 325i 92/11  Leo Newland 
<[email protected]>_or_<[email protected]> TX
114 73 2002 89/11  Mark Niedzielski <[email protected]> NY
E28 88 M5 94/08  Michael Nover <[email protected]> 
E10 74 2002Tii 91/11  Paul O'Donnell <[email protected]> NSW,Australia
E30 84 318i 88/08  C.J. O'Neill <[email protected]> NC
E21 83 320i 89/01 166K Tony Oakley <[email protected]> NC
E30 87 325 91/08  John Oliver <[email protected]> RI
114 74 2002 94/08  Eric Olson <[email protected]> FL
E30 87 325i   Michael Otis <[email protected]> NC
E21 82 320is 93/04 106Kkm Greg Padberg <[email protected]> 
E30 90 325i 94/08  Steve Padilla <[email protected]> AZ
E30 87 325 92/12  Daniel Paik <??> 
E28 85 528e 92/03 105K Dwayne Paschall <[email protected]> TX
E30 85 318is 93/12 58K Dwayne Paschall <[email protected]> TX
E36 94 318i 94/01  Bruce Paterson <[email protected]> Ajax,Ontario,Canada
114 74 2002 81/01  Rick Paulin <[email protected]> CA
E21 81 320i   Chris Pawlowicz <[email protected]> 
114 74-6 2002ST3   Chris Pellegrino <??> 
114 76 2002   Chris Pellegrino <??> 
114 75 2002   Oleg Perelet <[email protected]> IL
E30 89 M3   Oleg Perelet <[email protected]> IL
114 72 2002 90/01  Stanley Phan <[email protected]> 
E12 81 528i   Von Prahl <[email protected]> TX
E12 78 530i  139K Eric Przybisiki <[email protected]> CT
E21 78 320i  100K Giovanni Puggioni <[email protected]> 
E10 73 2002Tii 90/03  Charles Queguiner <[email protected]> France
E30 91 318iC 91/02  Alex Quilici <[email protected]> HW
E28 83 533i 90/10 177Kkm Amit Raja <[email protected]> Toronto,Canada
E21 79 320i 93/05 185K Pal Redly <[email protected]> 
114 76 2002 91/03  Mark Reichert <[email protected]> NY
E21 75 320i   Paul Rich <[email protected]> W.Australia
E21 79 320i  160K Roy Richard <[email protected]> Natick,MA
E23 85 735i(Euro) 91/05 98K Roy Richard <[email protected]> 
E36 93 325i 93/03  Alok Rishi <[email protected]> CA
E36 95 M3   Kevin Rist <[email protected]> 
E30 88 325iX 92/12  Blair Robertson <??> 
E12 81 528i 92/07  Steve Robinson <[email protected]> NY
114 67 1600 92/05  Ted Rodgers <[email protected]> WA
E36 92 325i 92/02  Steven Rollman <[email protected]> VA
E30 84 325e 84/09  Mark Rubin <[email protected]> CA
114 75 2002 92/01  Soren Ryherd <[email protected]> MA
114 76 2002 92/01  Soren Ryherd <[email protected]> MA
E30 83 323i 85/01  Nael Sabha <[email protected]> CA
E32 90 735iL 90/01  Nael Sabha <[email protected]> CA
E34 91 M5 92/04  Jon Saperia <[email protected]> 
E36 94 318I 93/11 13.5K Peter Schami <[email protected]> 
E10 72 2002Tii 89/05  Carl Scholz <[email protected]> MA
E28 83 528e 92/02  Larry Schuette <[email protected]> MD
E10 74 2002Tii 87/01  Jim Shank <[email protected]> MA
E30 88 325is 91/04  Jim Shank <[email protected]> MA
E30 86 325es 93/06  Aviad Sheinfeld <[email protected]> IL
E23 81 732i(Euro) 85/12  Hall Shel <[email protected]> GA
E30 88 M3 93/01  Kent Shephard <kent@infoserv> CA
E36 95 318is 94/10 1K Kenan Sinasi <[email protected]> Atlanta,
E30 89 M3 92/05  Bisham Singh <[email protected]> NY
E12 76 530i 92/02  Ed Skladany <[email protected]> NJ
E28 87 528e 92/08  Volney Spalding <[email protected]> CA
E10 74 2002Tii 93/10  Peter Sterne <[email protected]> CT
E24 79 633CSi  88K Jason Stoltz <[email protected]> 
E12 80 528i 91/09  Dimitry Struve <[email protected]> CA
E36 95 M3 94/07 6K Don Stuart <[email protected]> Austin,TX
E28 85 528e 85/07  Larry Swain <[email protected]> MA
E30 84 325e 86/02  Jerry Swerczek <[email protected]> FL
E12 77 530iA 93/07  Rock Taber <[email protected]> GA
E30 88 325is 92/07  Marge Tait <[email protected]> CA
E30 89 325i 93/08  Robert Tatterson <[email protected]> NY
E24 83 633CSi 91/10  Jeff Tatum <[email protected]> CA
E24 87 M6 94/05  Jeff Tatum <[email protected]> CA
E36 95 M3   Vlasis Theodore <[email protected]> MD
?? ?? 525i 93/03  Les Thomas <[email protected]> CA
E24 89 635CSi 89/04  Les Thomas <[email protected]> CA
E36 93 325iS  16K Michael Thompson <[email protected]> 
E9 72 3.0CS  97K Michael Thompson <[email protected]> 
E21 78 320i 78/07  Walter Uhl <[email protected]> CA
E23 82 745i 89/01  George Vogel <[email protected]> UT
E28 87 528ea 87/05  Tom Vollaro <[email protected]> NY
E36 94 325i 93/11  Gary Walk <[email protected]> NJ
E36 93 325i 93/03  Albert Wang <[email protected]> CA
E30 90 325is 92/07  David Watson <[email protected]> CA
E30 84 318i 92/05  Gene Westburg <[email protected]> TN
E36 93 325i 93/07  David Whelan <[email protected]> CA
E28 87 528e 91/09  Brian White <[email protected]> NJ
114 70 2002 89/09  Chris Wightman <wightman_cw%[email protected]> 
E28 85 520i 85/04  Erik Wikenhed <[email protected]> 
E30 88 325is  150Kkm James Williams <[email protected]> 
E12 74 525 93/10 184K Justin Williamson <[email protected]> 
E30 90 318is 91/01 62k Neil Winstanley <[email protected]> 
114 71 2002 85/08  Bill Wohler <[email protected]> 
E28 533i 84 91/02 126K Tim Wolfe <[email protected]> 
E30 91 318is 91/04  Jason Wong <[email protected]> PA;
E30 87 325is 88/01  Marcus Wong <mwong@ismdqa> CA
E30 88 320iA 89/01 51K Trevor Wright <[email protected]> UK
E23 83 545 85/02 45K Bill Yamada <[email protected]> LA,CA
E30 87 325i 87/10  Alec Yin <[email protected]> NY
E30 85 325e 85/07 98K David Young <[email protected]> 
Motorcycle 84 K100RT 94/03 9.7K David Young 
<[email protected]> Phoenix,AZ
E30 90 M3 89/10 55K David Yu <[email protected]> CA
E30 88 M3 93/05  Mike Zanino <[email protected]> OH
E30 87 325i 91/10 131Km Kerry Zielke <[email protected]> 