FAQ index
Sorry folks..i guess it took _too_ long. But a new edition of the faq
will be out..1 part a day(there are 5 parts). This FAQ will most possibly
be archived at some site soon. The details will be posted.
- -sandeep & rick kjeldsen
- --
Sandeep Pathak Eaton Corp. - Semiconductor Div.
(508)921-9696 sandeep_pathak%[email protected]
- -----------------CUT HERE-------------------
1.0: BMW history
+ 2.0: BMW models and specs ( chronological order )
2.1: M3 Evolutions
3.0: BMWNA
3.1: Where do i contact BMW NA ?
4.0: BMWCCA and other clubs
4.1: List of all the BMW chapters in USA
4.2: Other car clubs and organizations
4.3: How do i join BMW CCA?
+ 4.4: Who's Who List
5.0: SECA
6.0: Renting a BMW
6.1: Does any car rental outfit in the US have BMWs?
6.2: How do i rent a BMW in Europe?
7.0: Driving Schools
8.0: Related Publications
9.0: BMW information on Internet
+ 9.1: WWW site and other faqs
+ 9.2: specialty car pictures
10.0: Mail-order and other parts stores
11.0: Gasoline
11.1: BMW Gasoline Test - Consumer Reports (Summary)
11.2: What is oxygenated gas?..and why?
11.3: What are the various ratings used for octane?
11.4: Should i use fuel additives?
12.0: Engine
+ 12.1: How do i choose a motor oil?
12.2: Should i use synthetic oil?
12.3: Tackling overheating problems
12.4: Adjusting valves
+ 12.5: Spark plg lube
+ 12.6: Loose Big 6 Oil Spray Bar Bolts
13.0: Brakes
13.0: How to change fluid
13.1: Why should i change brake fluid?
13.2: How come most of the cars dont do brake fluid change?
13.3: What are silicone brake fluids?
13.5: Tips to remember while using Mighty Vac
13.5: How do i decide on which brake fluid to use (track)?
13.6: Why is there break squealing/vibration?
13.7: Eliminating brrake squeal
14.0: Transmission
15.0: AC, Heating, Coolants
15.1: What are the recommended coolants?
15.2: Heater Control Valve Problems
15.3: Poor AC performance
15.4: New AC regulations
15.5: Blower Fan Problems
15.6: Cleaning the radiator
16.0: Fuel Injection Systems
16.1: My engine surges/stumbles when cold
16.2: Is it required to use fuel injector cleaners?
16.3: My transfer pump buzzes loudly
16.4: How do i check if my transfer pump is gone?
16.5: How do i change my transfer pump
16.6: An aftermarket pump for a bimmer?
16.7: How to cure fluctuating idle problems
16.8: All about Idling you wanted to know (TechFAQ)
16.9: Oxygen Sensor info
17.0: Tires
? 17.1: How to choose the right tire for your car
+ 17.2: Tire Survey (Summary)
17.3: Winter Driving and BMWs (FWD vs RWD) (Summary)
17.6: Why should tires be rotated?
17.7: Snow tire recommendation
+ 17.8: Inflation pressures
+ 17.9: Tire rolling direction
+ 17.10: Tire sizes and related issues
18.0: Body Work and miscellaneous
18.1: Fixing squeaking doors
18.2: Long-term car storage
18.3: Shifter feel improvement
+ 18.4: Wheel Cleaners
+ 18.5: Rocker panel coating
18.6: Water Leaks
18.7: Plastic Panel Repair
18.8: E24 Steering Bolt
18.9: Wheel paint
19.0: Electrical
19.1: Fixing Automatic Antennas
19.2: Taking care of your battery
19.3: Troubleshooting Central Locking System
19.4: Jerky Wipers??
19.5: Rewiring Fog Lights so they're independant of high beams
19.6: Resetting service indicator lights
19.7: Changing service indicator light batteries
19.8: Erratic blinkers
19.9: Replacing OBC bulbs
19.10: Power Windows
19.11: Problems with key panel
20.0: Performance Modifications
20.1: Experience with a Dinan chip
20.2: Air filters
20.3: Why can't BMW come up with the best chip?
20.4: Custom brake lines
20.5: Differentials
20.6: MCU switch settings