water lovers
Subject: water lovers
From: [email protected] (Barry Wellman)
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 13:15:55 -0400 (EDT)
According to my American Hertigage Dictionary (I'm so old, it's a
printed version), the correct answer is "hygroscopic". "Readily
absorbing moisutre, as from the atmosphere." Comes from the Greek
"hugros" which means wet, moist.
And as someone pointed out, "hydroscopic" (which on face valud does
seem right), actually isn't a word, but "hydroscope" is "an optical
device for viewing objects much below the surface of the water".
Whatever the word, change your brake fluid at least once a year,
especially if you're on the road or track behind me.
- --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Barry Wellman [email protected] 8-)