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RE: econobox ponderings/newbie (cheap) alfa ownership

Just as an aside, in reading the Alfa Owner ad below, I can say that I've
seen this GTV-6 and it's gorgeous!!!!

It ran like a banshee around Pocono, too!!

- -----Original Message-----
From: Sedon, Doug (OD/ORS) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 11:38 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: econobox ponderings/newbie (cheap) alfa ownership

hi all,

being the unfortunate victim of having someone run me-n-my shankle-ized 3.0
gtwe6 bastard off the road 3 weeks ago, i had the pleasure (?!?) to sample
*current-model* "bottom-feeders", while my poor gtwe6 was being made
again. (the incident was *not* my fault, the guilty party's ins co *is*
up the tab - fortunately wery little damage to mr. funky & none to me, tho
wooda been a *lot* different if i'd rolled him, which *almost* happened...)

anyway, here's one person's opinion as to the latest-n-greatest in the

i picked up my "gnu" (20k miles) 1999 ford escort - a *complete*
wersion, w/exception of the 2 rental-car-req'd options - a/t & a/c.  the
sticker confirmed this.  the factory sticker was also $13,500!  how fomoco
sold even *one* of these wehicles is beyond my comprehension - the car was
absolutely abominable!  horrible torque-steer (how can there be torque-steer
any torque!?!)  the ride was absolutely awful - i was literally sea-sick
nauseous when i arrived at work the following morning, after i picked up the
car.  so, after calling the rental-car place, they told me they got
gnu ford foci (focuses?), & they'd be happy to exchange the escort for me.

when exchanging the escort, they said: "dint like the escort, eh?"  i
that "i only had *one* complementary thing to say about the escort - it's
they all laffed, & then asked if i'd like a free upgrade to an explorer or
blazer, instead of the focus.  i've never seen such shocked young
college-grad-types, when i said "no-way, i *can't stand* suv's!"  :>)  they
said, "jeez everyone *loves* 'em!  i told 'em i can't wait 'til gas costs
$5/gal, so they all disappear from the roadways!

anyway, focus now on the gnu ford focus:  this was equipped *exactly* like
escort - *no* options except a/t & a/c.  (had 4.6 miles on the odo)  but
what a
change!  this was actually a decent car!  brakes were outstanding - *if* ya
have two panic stops in succession - they were prone to fade.  acceleration
mediocre, due, i'm sure, to the combination of the base (110hp) engine,
mated to
the 4sp a/t.  but, i could still do back-road passing, and could even
going uphill at 75-80mph freeway speeds.  cruise 90 no problem.  the
ride/handling was actually *wery* nice.  oh yeah, no torque-steer, either.
*is* funny-looking, tho.  but not *ugly* like the latest escort iteration.
interior ergo's were quite good.  (i put ~1400 miles on the focus).  so, i
started thinkin':  "le'see, power mirrors/windows/doorlocks, 5-speed,
z-tec (130hp) engine, upgrade wheels/suspension...  mebbe i could *do* this
- -
get rid of the whale (164L) - i'd still have the milano-werde & the gtwe6
3.0, &
i'd have a *gnu* car, no reliability worries, cheap...  WAIT a minute here -
*cheap*... yust ezzackly what *does* this li'l baby *cost*???  ok, the
in the glovebox sez this base-model with a/c & a/t is $14,200!!!  even
$800 for the a/t, i can't see getting into one-o-these for <$15k!

so, (alfa-bill), yes, used 164/milano/gtwe6's *do* seem really cheap to me,
if maintenance *is* more money than a gnu car.  or even if maintenance is
than a comparably-priced used *japanese* car:  perhaps an $8500 camry *is* a
more reliable option than an alfa - but prolly not by a lot, & who here
wants to
*drive* something like *that*?!?  and cost, when compared to a brand-gnu
bottom-feeder?  well, czech out this advert in the latest aroc, & *ewe* be

1986 GTV 6, red with tan leather. 3.0 litre conversion, Colombo cams,
ECU, lowered, full suspension upgrade, braided brake hoses, cross drilled
rotors, Momo steering wheel and shift knob, 15x7.5 CEC wheels.  This car is
perfect daily driver and will be missed. New project forces sale  $8,500.
(973) 492-8144 or <[email protected]>. NJ

well, i got *my* gtwe6 back monday - yeehaaaa!

one person's opinion
dug "wish i could afford another gtwe6" sedon


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