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Re: Spider Woes

>      My 82 Spider, while suffering from a lack of excersize due to
>      California's recent rain has developed two maladies I'd like to
>      correct:

	Put the top up and drive in the rain, Len!!!

>      1. Smell of gas in the cockpit after being parked for a long time
>      (days to weeks). Where is the most common place to look for a leak?

	Check in the trunk.  Look at the fuel sender gasket; check the
rivets of the electrical connnections for sometimes they weep a bit (I've
touched mine up with aviation gasket sealer).  Check the vapor return
system's check valve (air should only go into the vapor tank).  Check gas
hoses and the filler hose.  And send me a big check....

"Is dis a system???"  Mr. Natural

Bruce Giller
Takoma 'Radiation-Free-Zone and Finally ReUnited' Park, Md
'73 Alfa GTV 2000
'86 Alfa Spider
'72 Moto Guzzi Eldorado

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